OM.2024.110 - Mili Suleman - USA

OM.2024.110 - Mili Suleman - USA - Tender Vows - collage on panel - 8 x 8 inches - Visual Poetry and Color

Mili Suleman has always been an explorer. Born in Bombay and raised in Oman, Mili came to the US at the tender age of 18 and graduated from Texas Christian University with a degree in Sociology and Graphic Design. Growing up, Mili would tag along with the women in her family as they shopped in fabric stores filled with brocades, silks and chiffons, designing their own clothing to be tailored by skillful dressmakers. These experiences planted the seeds of a lifelong love affair with textiles and product development—helping Mili practice the process of material discovery, design, and collaboration with artisans, which would later become the bedrock for KUFRI.


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