OM.2024.094 - Joan Schulze - USA

OM.2024.094 - Joan Schulze - USA - Accept Chance - collage on panel - 8 x 8 inches - Visual Poetry and Color

To avoid repeating what I have done before or taking the path of least resistance, I try to work with a clean slate, so to speak, both actual and metaphorically. This helps me reinvent or re-imagine what I know. – JS

Joan Schulze has gained international prominence in the fiber arts as a studio artist, teacher, lecturer and juror. Most admired and written about are her often experimental and ground-breaking work in the quilt medium. Over the decades she has exhibited internationally, been published in prestigious catalogs and publications, and is included in the collections of the Museum of Arts & Design in New York, the National Museum of American Art’s Renwick Gallery/ Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., the Oakland Museum of California, numerous Kaiser Permanente facilities, Adobe Systems, Inc., the John M. Walsh Collection of Contemporary Art Quilts, and many other important public and private collections in the U.S., Europe, and Japan.


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