OM.2024.075 - Judith Jasinski - USA

OM.2024.075 - Judith Jasinski - USA - Critical Flash - collage on panel - 8 x 8 inches - Visual Poetry and Color

For both the visual artist (maybe all artists) and the viewer, the purpose of art is: examination, thought, provocation, dialogue and reaction; very human things in our challenging and perplexing existence. I am consistently intrigued by how a particular arrangement of shapes, space, colors, repetition and textures evokes an emotional response - sometimes loud, sometimes subtle. And fascinated at how putting two things together makes a totally new thing that didn’t exist before the putting-together. In our social-media world where we have relinquished much of our external and internal lives to others, art provides a poke in the eye, a boulder in the path, a fork in the road, a sleepless night, a distraction, a laugh, a siesta, an opportunity.
I work with a variety of media. Nothing is off limits as long as it looks interesting to me or feels nice to touch. My intention is to invite an emotional response - from myself in the making of a thing and from a viewer. The responses may not be the same. In fact, they probably can’t be. But, no matter. Let’s all just feel something.


I’ve been around and seen a lot of things. I was born in Wilmington, Delaware quite some time ago and have delightedly now settled in New Mexico. In between those two events, I’ve been a designer, a builder, an organizer, an animal lover, a student, a teacher, a collaborator, a traveler, a reader, a writer, a volunteer, a malcontent and a wife. I’ve also lived in California, South Carolina, Indiana, Alabama, New York and Tennessee moving as the need or desire called. My creations live on in numerous private collections, my home, on line and on t-shirts. I came to New Mexico because the rocks and plants all look like weird sculpture, the sky goes on forever and the low humidity keeps me from tearing my hair out. It’s different from anywhere else I’ve lived and will keep me busy and interested until it can’t any more. I create so I can look forward to each next day.


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