OM.2024.066 - Angelo Ricciardi - Italy

OM.2024.066 - Angelo Ricciardi - Italy - Paris Match - collage on panel - 8 x 8 inches - Visual Poetry and Color


Paris Match is a weekly French periodical magazine founded in 1949, and from one of its issues were cut out the fragments that make up this collage, a thinking back to the years when the dream of better years was perhaps more alive than ever.


Angelo Ricciardi lives and works in Naples where he was born. His study is based on the relation between writing and the configuration of contemporary society, with particular interest in the exchanges between verbal and visual communication.

His projects are usually performances which used to be realized using actions and/or daily life’s objects.
Among them: Don’t Throw Out The Bread (2000), leafleting (2002), The New Little Red Book (2003), ART LINE DO NOT CROSS (2004), Happy Birthday, Mister Johns! (2005), Desktops (2006), Walkabout (2006), Mobile Lighthouses (2008), Achtung Bitte Kunst Kann Eine Falle Sein (Attention, Please, Art Can Also Be A Trap) (2009), Artiste à l’Artiste (2013-2016), Carissima Laure (2016), A Day Without (2018), The Book Is on the Table (2020).

He is author of numerous artist’s books, many of them present in important public and private collections: Archivio del ’900, Mart, Rovereto; MoMA Library, New York; Liliana Dematteis Collection, J. Watson Library, Metropolitan Museum, New York; CLA Collection de Livres d’Artistes, Brussels; Collezione Antonio Cossu, Tren- to; Printed Matter, New York; Raccolta Manuela e Alessandro Gori, Prato; Anaël Desablin Collection, Brussels; Judith Hoffberg Collection, UC Santa Barbara Library, Santa Barbara, CA; The Center for Book Arts, New York.

Solo and group shows: annarumma 404 arte contemporanea, Napoli (2002, 2004, 2005); Printed Matter,
New York (2004); Galleria Martano, Torino (2006); Galerie 100 Titres, Bruxelles (2008, 2011, 2012, 2013); The Center for Book Arts, New York (2012); Exit 11, Grand Leez, Belgium (2010); MoNA, Museum of New Art, Detroit (2007, 2013); Modern Museum, Samara, Russia (2013);  Städtische Galerie, Pforzheim, Germany (2015, 2017); Podroom Gallery, Beograd, Serbia (2016); Saint John Street Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania (2017); Studio Tommaseo, Trieste (2017, 2018); BUN, Biblioteca Universitaria di Napoli (2020).


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